Rehearsal Rooms, Workspace and Residency

Barak Lili M
2 Rehearsal Rooms
De Nooit Moede
After they shook hands, the walls started closing in. Fatigue kicked in, but De Nooit Moede decided to keep up appearances. Time for coffee, or an alcohol-free beer. Pretending without pretense. After all, the grass is always greener on the fool's side. De Nooit Moede is a six-headed formation conducted by Victor De Roo, with guitarist-vocalist Jente Waerzeggers, bass player Ferre Marnef, and singers Eva Kleeven, Felix Poffé and Arthur Roels.

Although they are registered on Facebook as aerospace company, Noannaos (no-one-knows) is the hip-hop/electronics/whatnot collective by Susobrino, Ashley Morgan and Pippin. Susobrino is known for its spicy voodoo for electro-foodies. Ashley Morgan already made a name for himself with his alter ego LTGL and is now releasing new tracks under his own name. Pippin is a regular on Kiosk radio and, like Susobrino and Ashley Morgan, an ambassador of future sounds who knows how to combine heavy offbeat rhythms with melodic soundscapes. Noannaos strives for a progressive fusion of art, experimental electronics and hip-hop. They host their own events where different art forms create one experience together.
3 artist studios
Margot Van den Berghe
The work of Margot Van den Berghe is a continuous process of becoming. She explores the thin line between art and design. She refuses to choose one or the other. In an almost alchemical way, various worthless materials are transformed into valuable works. Where others see waste, she sees the beauty of the repurposed.

Luca Vanello
Informed by long term research, Luca Vanello’s practice explores the material, technological and biological implication of non-human entities in processes of distribution of the visible. Approaching matter as a vibrant agent, it addresses the role of materiality and its cycles in processes of perishability, biological decay, circulation, and the politics of care and intimacy. His work is configured as an ecosystem exploded into its constituent materials. It wishes to escape the anthropocentric vision and restore, as fragments, the evidence of a microscopic look at vulnerability and the precariousness of existence.

Ilke Cop
Taking on questions surrounding the position of ‘the female’ and the role of women as people, artists and historical agents, Ilke Cop creates a fictional universe where the laws and causal relationships that shape our society no longer apply. Traditional techniques of oil painting, installation art and art history are embraced to venture into a new visual language of conceptually layered images. She likes to play with the innate desire for beauty, seduction and narrative to guide the viewer's eye.

1 Workspace

Rue Fritz Toussaint 8, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Photo credits: Pommelien Koolen & Ella Oelbrandt, Gordon Vøfsnfjorden,
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