
Interview: Another Dancer Release Show

Eline Vancraeyveldt

Let's start with a classic: what's the story behind your band name, ‘Another Dancer’?

Margo: "It started with a song called 'I Try to be Another Dancer.' We ended up liking the part 'Another Dancer,' so we decided to keep that part, although it still felt like a working title at the time. When we were looking for a band name, suddenly everything could be an option (laughs). We often disagreed, and there were many ideas in the running. In the end, there were more than twenty names on the list, but we came back to what had originally started as a working title.

Dries: "'Another Dancer' comes from a certain insecurity about dance moves at a party. It creates a nostalgic feeling but also something we can still experience – that self-consciousness when dancing. For me personally, it also refers to the step of having the courage to make and release music. The courage to just try is incredibly important."

Lucas: "I see it a bit philosophically as well. It has to do with growth, things that are in motion. And also looking up to the cool kid who can dance while we're the nerds. The outsiders. Definitely that! (laughs).
Eline Vancraeyveldt

Here we are in a really nice rehearsal space. Where exactly are we?

Lucas: "I’m fortunate to have a studio at home where we can rehearse with bands. So it quickly made sense for us to practice here. Besides rehearsals, there are sometimes concerts organized under the name 'Paleis 305'. What makes rehearsing at home so nice is that we can easily grab something to eat or cook, there’s plenty of natural light, and there's a cozy little courtyard. It’s really amazing that we can do this here."

Dries: "It’s incredible how much this place has come to mean to us as a band in such a short time. It feels like a gift from above. In Brussels, it's always a challenge to find a good spot. This solves a lot of problems."

"'Another Dancer' comes from a certain insecurity about dance moves at a party. It creates a nostalgic feeling but also something we can still experience – that self-consciousness when dancing." - Dries

Congratulations on the release of your very first album! How did it come together, and what can listeners expect?

Lucas: "The first songs came about when Dries started experimenting on his own. Then Margo joined in, followed by Timo and me, and that’s when we really wanted to create something that belonged to all of us. That’s why we kept experimenting; for us, a track is never truly finished. We’ve already played a few small shows in cafés and venues without officially releasing anything. That way, you get a better sense of what works and what doesn’t."

Eline Vancraeyveldt

Regarding the design of the cover, created by Maya Strobbe: how did you come to choose this design? What makes it special for you?

Margo: "It's not easy to find an image that matches the songs you create. Our music has a DIY, lo-fi quality; it doesn’t all need to sound perfect, and that's a deliberate stylistic choice. Maya translated that wonderfully into visuals.

She worked intuitively with our music to create the cover. There's movement in it, while still remaining abstract. The pencil lines reflect the texture of our music: the experimentation, the sketching. That aligns really well with what 'Another Dancer' means to us."

Last question. Put three words on the EP?

Stay weird! That makes two (laughing together).

Written by Eline Vancraeyveldt

17 September 2024
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