Mon 11 Sep 2023Price
€14.00 / Presale (-26y)
€18.00 / Presale
20:30 / Doors
20:15 / Start
Pilar Box (Ground Floor)
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Porn is not just porn. It produces our desires. It controls the sexual reactions of
viewers. Bjorn Floréal and Laurens Aneca look into the popular teen or twink porn
that exists within digital spaces: a genre in which (adult) porn stars do their utmost to sell their viewers an underage experience. To what extent is a youthful body orgasmic capital?
viewers. Bjorn Floréal and Laurens Aneca look into the popular teen or twink porn
that exists within digital spaces: a genre in which (adult) porn stars do their utmost to sell their viewers an underage experience. To what extent is a youthful body orgasmic capital?
In their search for points of reference, they came across Voltaire's Candide: a
satirical adventure novel in which the young Candide goes on a quest in the world and is subjected to horrific deeds at lightning speed. Importantly, Candide embodies total innocence and faces the world with an endearingly naive optimism. 'For we do live in the best possible of all worlds.'
satirical adventure novel in which the young Candide goes on a quest in the world and is subjected to horrific deeds at lightning speed. Importantly, Candide embodies total innocence and faces the world with an endearingly naive optimism. 'For we do live in the best possible of all worlds.'
Laurens Aneca
Laurens Aneca (1992) is a director, dramaturge and performer. Together with Lucas van der Vegt and Jesse Vandamme, he made the graduation performance Giants (TAZ 2021, where he won the creation grant). He was an assistant director at Indoor Weather by Bosse Provoost and Ezra Veldhuis and worked as a coach in various theater productions by, among others, Camping Sunset (Happiness and Ten Oorlog Deel 1 & 2), Theater Transparant (Labyrinth) and Lara Staal / NTGent (Dissident).
Bjorn Floréal
Bjorn Floréal (1997) is a multidisciplinary artist and has previously appeared in
Zomergasten, Ten Oorlog part 2 and 3 of Camping Sunset, A Revue by Benjamin
Abel Meirhaeghe, and Ne Mosquito Pas by Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Nathan
Ooms and Anna Franziska Jaeger. Together with Jana De Kockere he co-created. A Skeleton and a fisherman and Goblins. Together with Mustav Ahmeti he made the graduation performance Supernatural. He also appeared in the short films Online Bodies by Mischa Dols, Golden Hour by Astrid De Haes & Eliza De Maeyer and We run to be free by Sara-Judith Van Oostrum.
Zomergasten, Ten Oorlog part 2 and 3 of Camping Sunset, A Revue by Benjamin
Abel Meirhaeghe, and Ne Mosquito Pas by Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Nathan
Ooms and Anna Franziska Jaeger. Together with Jana De Kockere he co-created. A Skeleton and a fisherman and Goblins. Together with Mustav Ahmeti he made the graduation performance Supernatural. He also appeared in the short films Online Bodies by Mischa Dols, Golden Hour by Astrid De Haes & Eliza De Maeyer and We run to be free by Sara-Judith Van Oostrum.

Special thanks to: concept & creation Laurens Aneca & Bjorn Floréal / performing Bjorn Floréal & Tim Bogaerts / scenography en dramaturgical advice Chrys' Amaya Michailidis / technics and light design Anne Meeussen / photo credits Olivier De Vos / shout out for helping us to Bauke Lievens, Kristof Van Baarle, Lotte Vocking, Yasmine Abchaoui and Lieven Verkouille / with the support from CAMPO, Stad Gent, TAZ & Het TheaterFestival
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