Free ‘Conscious Touch’ Workshop for Youth

Free ‘Conscious Touch’ Workshop for Youth

Wed 23 Apr 2025
14:00 / Doors
14:00 / Start
16:00 /
Pilar Building
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
In a world where we are often behind screens, we forget the power of real touch. But touch plays a huge role in how we connect with friends, family and even strangers. In this free workshop, you will discover why touch is important to you and learn practical tips and exercises to improve your touch habits - immediately applicable in your daily life.
16:00 /
Neoza Goffin
Neoza Goffin
Neoza Goffin graduated with a master's degree in visual arts from KASK Ghent in 2021. Her cross-sectoral art takes you into a colourful world that overcomes taboos and opens playful conversations about touch. Her mission is to bring knowledge about conscious touch to a wide audience in contexts of family, friends, colleagues and strangers. Her tactile universe consisting of photography, installation, video, textiles, workshops and performance has already been exhibited internationally at venues such as UNSEEN Amsterdam, Imagenation New York & Paris, Fotobiennale Oostende, Women Biennale Brussels, etc. In her art projects, she collaborated with partners such as SMAK, TAJO vzw, 0090 Antwerp, VAF, Kunstendecreet Vlaanderen, etc.

14:00 / Doors
14:00 / Start
16:00 /
Pilar Building
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
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