RITCS Platform Sessions

Luminal Lab
Tue 07 — Fri 10 Jun 2022Caroline Mathieu
The LUMINAL LAB explores the perception of coloured light. The phenomenology of colour remains an unconscious process, both for the designer during a creative process as for the spectators who perceive it during a performance. Caroline Mathieu is interested in how the audience perceives these atmospheres, as this topic remains fairly unexplored within both academic and artistic research. This research topic is investigated through an interactive environment in which the audience is immersed in different light atmospheres. It looks into how you create spaces that embrace you and care for you and what the influences of light on diverse sensorial perceptions are. For instance: do you perceive the same music differently surrounded by a certain light atmosphere? And what triggers this difference?

Caroline Mathieu
Caroline Mathieu is active as a designer for theatre creations. Her role takes various forms: scenographer, light designer, performer and researcher. After a Master study in Product Design and a Master after Master in Theatre Studies, design and theatre came together in a Scenography course at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. She recently started a research project on the influence of light on perception in the context of a PhD in the arts via Brussels Arts Platform (VUB/RITCS).