
Ontroerend Goed + Loop-S
Wed 06 Nov 2019£¥€$ + Open Outcry, Ritual to Unbewitch Finance - SOLD OUT
A monetary double bill with Ontroerend Goed and Loop-S. Two performances that both take a closer look at the the world of high finance (for the price of one).
£¥€$ — Ontroerend Goed
Ontroerend Goed invites you to get under the skin of the well-to-do the 1%, the super rich, the ones who pull the strings, the faces we never get to see.For one night, you can take their chairs. You call the shots. You're in the centre of our economic system. You shape the course. And who knows, you might make the world a better place, more fair, more responsible, because you'll do things differently, for sure. P.S. If you come, please take some money. Cash, because we don't trust the pixels on your screen that tell us how much money you supposedly possess.
“Ontroerend Goed back at its remarkable best, a show that simultaneously reinvents what theatre can be and triggers our emotions in exactly the way the best theatre can do.” — The Scotsman *****
in samenwerking met/in collaboration with: Curieus vzw - regie/director: Alexander Devriendt - met/with: Joeri Smet, Angelo Tijssens, Karolien De Bleser, Samir Veen, Hannah Boer, Aurélie Lannoy, Joeri Heegstra, Britt Bakker, Charlotte De Bruyne, Bastiaan Vandendriessche, Eleonore Van Godtsenhoven, Robin Keyaert, Max Wind, Sjef van Schie & Aaron Gordon - producer: David Bauwens - co-production: Vooruit, Theatre Royal Plymouth & Richard Jordan Productions - met steun van/with support of: Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen & Stad Gent

Open Outcry, Ritual to Unbewitch Finance — Loop-S
Open Outcry is a ritual to remove the spell of finance, somewhere between a magic ritual, a theatrical performance, or a political action. The ceremony aims to mobilize citizens to set up other models of production and the distribution of wealth. A rite de passage, marking the metamorphosis of our relationship with the capitalist model. Initially, Open Outcry refers to the name of a method of communication between stockbrokers in trading rooms. This mysterious language involves cries and gestural signals intended to transfer information such as buy and sell orders between the different players in the trading room.“Outcry” also literally means “a scream of pain.” This definition gives an interesting perspective when one thinks of the protest cry of the Occupy Wall Street Movement that shook the gates of finance. Taking note of the paradox of this word - a cry at the origin of the scandal / a scream of anger - we bet that this ritual will express a reversal of the situation to come...
Collective creation : Unbewitch Finance Lab.
Participants for the ritual at Pilar: Julien Celdran, Luce Goutelle, Dimitri Tuttle, Zelda Soussan, Nina Lombardo, Amandine Faugère, Vincent Matyn, Grégory Edelein, Émilie Siaut.
Coproduction : Loop-s asbl, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Buda Kunsten Centrum, Nuit Blanche-Bruxelles.
With the support of : La fondation Un Monde par Tous, La Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer.
Thanks to Robbert&Frank, Lieselotte Vaneeckhaute, the Pilar team & the students of VUB
With the support of : La fondation Un Monde par Tous, La Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer.
Thanks to Robbert&Frank, Lieselotte Vaneeckhaute, the Pilar team & the students of VUB

Sebastien Normand