The invisible worm that flies in the night in the howling storm
Sun 02 May — Sun 06 Jun 2021End of residency exhibition Barak Lili M
The title of this exhibition is half of the poem ‘The Sick Rose’ by William Blake, included in his Songs of Innocence and of Experience published in 1794. At first reading the poem is both funny and harsh, because of the simplicity of form and its sexual connotation. But, the invisible worm also has a more transcendent dimension, visualized for example in Richard Kelly’s cult classic Donnie Darko (2001), where intention worms come out of one’s belly. Finally, the rebellion level of this poem comes to mind with the equation of the sick rose and our society. Nina, Bart and Juan Pablo challenge these three levels with experience, but foremost by persisting in the illusion of innocence. In this exhibition we are served glimpses into childhood realms and the inability of going back. Who’s taking care of us? Their playground reaches beyond parental, institutional or societal security and control. It’s an attempt to get a grip on the world and to avoid the grip of the world. Gotta get a grip, beat it with a stick.
This exhibition is a result of a long-term residency of Nina Van denbempt, Bart Lescrève and Juan Pablo Plazas at Barak Lili M, taken care of by Pilar. Curated by Lotte Beckwé.
With work by:
Bart Lescrève
Nina van denbempt
Juan Pablo Plazas
Curated by Lotte Beckwé
Bart Lescrève
Nina van denbempt
Juan Pablo Plazas
Curated by Lotte Beckwé
Barak Lili M is an incubator for young, artistic and cultural entrepreneurs. We operate from See-U, together with about eighty other innovative and sustainable projects. Barak Lili M consists of 3 studio spaces, a project space and two music studios.