
What The God
Thu 30 Sep 2021Anouk Friedli & Guus Diepenmaat
What The God takes you on a trip from ratio to gut. Guus Diepenmaat and Anouk Friedli create an eclectic universe, populated by contradictory alter-egos. Do they find something to believe in or do they get caught up in an endless rational debate?

Concept, text and performance Guus Diepenmaat and Anouk Friedli Music Milan van Doren
Direction Renée Goethijn Dramaturgy Ruth Mariën Costumes Anne-Catherine Kunz Lighting and technique Max Adams Production Margot Quix With the support of the Flemish Government, City of Brussels and the Flemish Community Commission Co-production C-takt In collaboration with Monty Kultuurfaktorij, 30CC, Kaap and GC DeRinck
Direction Renée Goethijn Dramaturgy Ruth Mariën Costumes Anne-Catherine Kunz Lighting and technique Max Adams Production Margot Quix With the support of the Flemish Government, City of Brussels and the Flemish Community Commission Co-production C-takt In collaboration with Monty Kultuurfaktorij, 30CC, Kaap and GC DeRinck