
Youniss + bontridders
Thu 05 Oct 2023Price
€6.00 / At the door
20:00 / Doors
20:30 / bontridders
21:30 / Youniss
Pilar Box (Ground Floor)
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Kickstart our concert season with bontridders and Youniss, our sensational opening concert. We believe in making music accessible to all, which is why we've embraced a "Pay What You Can" policy (Prix Libre). There are no presales, just show up and immerse yourself in a night of unforgettable performances. We suggest a contribution equivalent to the price of about two drinks, but feel free to give what feels right for you. Come along and become part of this symphonic treat.
20:30 / bontridders

bontridders is playful electronics, the extravert with the introvert. For some time bontridders was a more straight-forward indie group, but now has taken on a more self-contained form. bontridders is Sam, also known from drumcomputerpunk band Brorlab.
21:30 / Youniss

Hyper-talented genre alchemist Youniss is an experimenter of genres, giving them his own unique twist. His stunning live set (complete with drummer!) puts you on a rollercoaster of hip-hop, R&B and Arabic influences, when you're not bouncing to electronica, drum-'n-bass and techno. As an exploration of identity and self-expression, Youniss moves his way through the awkward, intrusive feelings that accompany performing as a black man with an Arabic name through the gaze of the western world. On his album, ‘White Space’, the Antwerp-based musician and visual artist shares the unsettling story of a personal panic attack instilled by these feelings. In the performative translation of this album, Youniss and drummer Tim Caramin take you along Youniss’ discomfort through music, visual installation, and costume design. It's an experience not to be missed.

€6.00 / At the door
20:00 / Doors
20:30 / bontridders
21:30 / Youniss
Pilar Box (Ground Floor)
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
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