Repair Dinner becomes Repair Day

Pilar & deBuren will keep you company all day: from breakfast over lunch to dinner.

Repair dinner shifts into Repair Day

Little reminder is needed of the unprecedented crisis the world faces right now, which prevented many events from taking place. However, Pilar and deBuren found a solution for the Repair Dinner that was planned in the light of the Pilar ASAP festival. We’ll keep you company all day: from breakfast over lunch to dinner.
Thursday, March 26 from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM


09 AM:
During your breakfast, we share a video of slam poet Lisette Ma Neza.
Topic: mental health.

10 AM:
From 10:00 onwards, blogger Joppe De Campeneere takes over Pilar's Instagram.
Topic: social media/beauty and narcissism.

During lunch, Joppe goes LIVE on Instagram 
(Grab your chance to interact!)  

01 PM:
From 1 PM onwards Warda El Kaddouri takes over the Instagram of deBuren.
Topic: sustainable development.

06 PM:
During dinner (or your apéro at home) Warda goes live on Instagram.
(Again, interaction is more than welcome) 
Topic: sustainable development.

So follow us all day long, we'd love to see you online!
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