
24u Zen
Thu 24 Oct 2019The wonderful world of Zen
Pilar immerses you in the wonderful world of Zen for 24 hours. From morning yoga to sleep concert, from story platform to multi-voice singing workshop: this will undoubtedly be the most atypical boot camp in which you will ever participate. Take it easy, relax, and let yourself be carried away for 24 hours on this unique and mind-expanding trip:
8:00–9:30 — Yoga (€2)
Start your day with a mild form of yoga that is accessible to everyone. Yogi Jeremy Aronovice will guide you through this balanced yoga session after a short meditation.
- Come 10 minutes before class starts.
- Bring your yoga mat.
- Put on comfortable clothing.
- A lesson costs €2, register in advance.

9:30–10:30 — Guided Tour Expo: JRSLM (free)
The exhibition JRSLM - Paradise Lost Again was created on the occasion of 50 years of VUB. Register for a guided visit to this exhibition with work by Anni ALBERS, Francis ALŸS, Younes BABA-ALI, William BLAKE, Michaël BORREMANS, Dirk BRAECKMAN, Marcel Broodthaers, Rinus VAN DE VELDE & Kris VERDONCK and many others.

Work by Kris Verdonck

Géraldine Tobe M., Leader Spirituel, 2019.

Alys Tomlinson, Untitled, from the series Ex-Voto, 2016-2018.
12:30–13:30 — Marc Melià (lunch concert) (free)
Cosmic future-pop synths that make you float. Marc Melià was born in Mallorca and lives in Brussels for some time now. As a musician and producer, Melia seeks beauty in what — at first sight — often sounds cold and emotionless. Beatless electronic soundscapes, complex arpeggio sequences and 'post-Kraftwerk' melodies. Exclusively using a Prophet 08 synthesizer, his voice filtered with a vocoder and a limited number of effects. During concerts, Melià plays everything live, without pre-programmed sequences. For fans of Nils Frahm, Flavien Berger and Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith. (Fyi, feel free to bring your packed lunch.)

14:00–16:00 — The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jodorowsky (1973) (free)
Free screening of The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jodorowsky (1973). This surreal film contains references to religious and mystical matters and at the same time criticizes the consumer society.

15:30–17:30 — Workshop Polyphonic Chant (€5)
We should no longer tell you that polyphonic singing provides infinite pleasure and, at times, can also yield a substantial portion of goosebumps. In this workshop, we aim for both. Singing songs in a variety of styles: from Gospel, Pop, Musical to African music, nothing will be avoided. Your guide: Marie Bogaert. She sings with Au Bain Marie and over the years has developed her love for polyphony. Want to sing along? Tickets: € 5 In cooperation with www.wisper.be

20:00–21:00 — Community of Listeners (€5)
Community of Listeners is a multilingual storytelling platform. They gather around stories, language and music, each time in a unique location. During these encounters CoL bring authentic stories that resonate with our hyper-diverse society. True stories, but also myths and interpretations of universal themes. We do not speak one unified language. However, the need to communicate does result in a common language. A new language that questions the dominant one. When you leave this collective journey between East and West, between then and now, you will hopefully tell the stories you have heard to the people around you. The listener becomes storyteller. Community of Listeners was founded by Helena Lemonnier (BE) and Mohsen Mahjoobi (IRN) in 2018. Tickets €5.
Participants: Zoubida Mouhssin (storyteller), Saïda Manai (storyteller), Carlo Strazzante (percussion), Wim de Winter (chant & tanpura), Shabbir Hussain (tabla)
Participants: Zoubida Mouhssin (storyteller), Saïda Manai (storyteller), Carlo Strazzante (percussion), Wim de Winter (chant & tanpura), Shabbir Hussain (tabla)

Photo by Leontien Allemeersch
22:00–8:00 — Lai Laaj Lai (sleep concert & breakfast) (€15)
Come in, shake off the day. Lay down, listen, fall asleep. Lai Laaj Lai follows the natural rhythm of sleep. Musicians and their lullabies accompany you on a journey from sunset to sunrise, a trip between West and East. When night falls, electronic loops steer your deepest dreams. Then dawn arrives, and the city's engine starts up again. Under the morning sun, musicians pay tribute to the new day.
Practical info
Practical info
- Tickets cost € 15, included in the price: A delicious breakfast (from 7 am)
- When you register, you sign up for the entire night. We promise a unique experience.
- Arrive on time. From 10 pm, you can install your sleeping place in the Pilar Box.
- We also provide free tap water.
- What do you bring along? Your sleeping mat, sleeping bag, pillow, and comfy clothing.
- Any questions left? Feel free to send an email to Jade. (jade.corbey@vub.be)
with Inne Eysermans, Liew Niyomkarn, Awoulath Alougbin, Ehsan Yadollahi, Pooyan Ramezani Besheli , Carlo Strazzante. Concept by Community of Listeners, Inne Eysermans. Scenography by Community of Listeners, Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert. Production by PILAR

Ongoing — Ritual performance for minor destruction of suffering (free)
The artists' duo R&F F&R devised a small participatory gesture in which you can participate to get rid of some of your minor or major concerns.