
Is er een alternatief? Op zoek naar uitwegen uit het dominante systeem
Mon 24 Oct 2022Pilar x deBuren
Is there no alternative? In his bestseller, cultural critic Mark Fisher is not hopeful: according to him, the logic of capitalism has really taken over all areas of our lives. Philosopher Slavoj Žižek also argues that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Is there really no alternative?
The starting point for this quest is the book The mushroom at the end of the world by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. In the wake of the matsutake, a wild mushroom that grows in places that humans have left wrung out, she asks herself how we can live on the ruins of capitalism. During this evening of reflection and discussion we try to do the same with Marian Donner (The Self-destruction book and The great refusal) and Bleri Lleshi (The power of hope). Together with Scherpsteller Robin Goudsmit and the participants, they will share insights from their work and try out new ways of thinking. Because perhaps, despite capitalism, an alternative is conceivable?
The starting point for this quest is the book The mushroom at the end of the world by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. In the wake of the matsutake, a wild mushroom that grows in places that humans have left wrung out, she asks herself how we can live on the ruins of capitalism. During this evening of reflection and discussion we try to do the same with Marian Donner (The Self-destruction book and The great refusal) and Bleri Lleshi (The power of hope). Together with Scherpsteller Robin Goudsmit and the participants, they will share insights from their work and try out new ways of thinking. Because perhaps, despite capitalism, an alternative is conceivable?
Bleri Lleshi
Bleri Lleshi is a political philosopher, teacher and author of several books, including The Neoliberal Penal State (2014), Love in Times of Fear (2016), The Power of Hope (2018) and What Now? Letter to Flanders (2020). Lleshi started his career as a youth worker and now conducts research focused on identity, interculturality, social inequality, neoliberalism and Brussels. He regularly writes op-eds and reviews for various media and maintains the popular Bleri Lleshi's Blog. He teaches at the University of Applied Sciences UCLL in Leuven.

Vera De Kok
Marian Donner
Marian Donner is an essayist and writes for De Groene, among others
Amsterdammer. Her Self-destruction book was published in 2019, an essay about the ubiquitous self-help industry was published in several countries. The Great Refusal, her most recent book, is about distant billionaires on Mars, capitalism, quantum mechanics and the philosopher Herbert Marcuse.
Amsterdammer. Her Self-destruction book was published in 2019, an essay about the ubiquitous self-help industry was published in several countries. The Great Refusal, her most recent book, is about distant billionaires on Mars, capitalism, quantum mechanics and the philosopher Herbert Marcuse.

Robin Goudsmit
Robin Goudsmit is journalist bij Trouw. Ze studeerde filosofie en Cultural Analysis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Eerder werkte ze onder andere voor weekblad De Groene Amsterdammer. Ze is vooral geïnteresseerd in hedendaagse vraagstukken over identiteit, collectief trauma en herinneringscultuur. In 2021 nam ze deel aan de schrijfresidentie van deBuren in Parijs.

deBuren is the Flemish-Dutch house for culture and debate, From within the heart of Brussels, deBuren offer a forum for culture, society and politics of the Low Countries.

deBuren, Pilar and Schersteller Robin Goudsmit are once again joining forces for the educational part of the festival for Pilar ASAP - Order to Disorder Edition.