
Let's talk about Sex!
Tue 28 Mar 2023Price
18:00 / Doors
Pilar Building
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels invites you for an inspiring dinner about different aspects of sex.
Let's talk about sex! During a vegetarian dinner we will discuss different aspects of sex in groups of 5 to 6 students each. Attention is paid to both the nice and the less nice sides that sex can entail. An expert/facilitator also takes a seat at each table to ensure that the specific theme can be discussed openly and respectfully. The focus is on creating a safe, comfortable environment to connect with fellow students as well as to get to know new perspectives. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss 2 themes. During the evening there will also be an artistic intervention that links content to the themes.
Consent / Talking about sex / Pornography / Flirting / Queerness / Sex work / Normativity Polyamory & monogamy / Adultery / Transgressive behaviour / Anatomy & myths / Sex with non-human actors
Deadline subscriptions 15.03.2023
You can only participate in this evening as a student.

The evening is made possible thanks to the enthusiastic collaboration with, Pilar, BRUCC, our student psychologists and VUB experts from the various faculties and departments.

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