Open Mic

SpeakEasy speaks Sexualties - open mic
Wed 22 Mar 2023Price
19:30 / Doors
20:00 / Start
Bar Pilar (Ground Floor)
Triomflaan, Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Triomflaan, Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
SpeakEasy Brussels ft. Queer Slam host a new open mic at Bar Pilar during Pilar ASAP - The Sexual Feeling/Healing Edition. 'SpeakEasy speaks Sexualities' is an evening of poetry and music were not only your wildest imagination is welcome, but you can also claim your place in the narrative! What is sexuality to you, and how does/do your sexualit(y)(ies) speak? Once again, we want to be able to hear you, both on stage and in the audience. Come and listen to an infectious mix of spoken word, music and slam poetry in all of Brussels' languages. Or even better: grab the microphone yourself and enchant the audience with your words.
Sign-up: 19:30 // Start: 20:00
Sign-up: 19:30 // Start: 20:00

SpeakEasy Spoken Word BXL
SpeakEasy Spoken Word BXL is a collective, a space, a stage, a dream. Women run poetic pandemonium. A place where performers, artists, lovers of words and audience come together to create and listen.In addition to their monthly open mics they organize occasional bursts of words in the wild

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