Talk x Hyster-x: Verbeeld je geil
Wed 15 Mar 2023Price
€5.00 / Presale (-26y)
€7.00 / Presale
€8.00 / At the door (-26y)
€10.00 / At the door
19:45 / Doors
Pilar Box (Ground Floor)
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
Triomflaan, VUB Entrance 6, 1050 Brussels
An estimated 15-20% of the internet consists of pornographic websites. They often leave little to the imagination. What can the mind's eye offer in a dominant visual culture? We will find out together with and Hyster-x during this dazzling and imaginative evening.
Margot Delaet invites Jill Mathieu ( and Uschi Cop (Hyster-x) for a talk about the power of imagination and sex. The conversation will be interspersed with interventions of erotic literature and poetry. As icing on the cake you get a live performance of the audio porn podcast that and Hyster-x created especially for Pilar ASAP - The Sexual Feeling/Healing Edition. Spoken language: Dutch.

Pataplak • Collage Collective
What can the mind's eye offer in a dominant visual culture?
Jill Mathieu
Jill Mathieu loves words. To her they are like sausages: you hang them together. From words to sentences and stories. In this way words tie the world together with stories and create order out of disorder. Jill runs a collective of copywriters called Usually they write texts for brands and it says 'buy now' somewhere at the end. But every now and then the collective takes a side step. With, the collective made audio porn that whispers in your ear. No 'buy now', but 'come now'.

Buro Bonito
Uschi Cop lives and works in Brussels. She writes short and longer stories and poetry and regularly performs on various stages. In 2021, she founded Hyster-x, a feminist writing collective for women and non-binary people. She curates literary stages and texts for this collective and writes columns for Bruzz. Uschi is part of Wintertuin's talent development program and is a member of the jury for the Herman de Coninck Prize.

Gaby Jongenelen
Margot Delaet
Margot Delaet is a poet and photographer. She has already performed her poems at Museum Night Fever, Orde van de Dag, Poetry Africa, Brussels Planetarium Poetry Fest and Poets in the Prinsentuin, and has published photos in De Morgen Magazine and Marie-Claire Belgium. As a philosophy student, she researches the role of imagination in resistance.

Leonore Spee
Leonore Spee is a music theater maker and writer. Together with Sascha Bornkamp she forms She Teletext. They create Dutch-language music and music theater performances, audio tours, location projects and forges artistic alliances inside and outside the black box. She is affiliated with Ghent performance collective Ontroerend Goed and music theater house WALPURGIS. She is a member of feminist writing collective Hyster-X.

Julie Cafmeyer
After studying language and literature and theater studies, Julie Cafmeyer went to the Maastricht Theater School to become a director. Today she makes and plays theatre, writes columns for De Morgen and is working on her debut novel. Her work is characterized by wry humour, dark lightness and entertaining tragedy.

Thomas Ost
Anna Borodikhina aka Anna Khina
Anna Borodikhina, aka Anna Khina is a creative all-rounder. She is a spoken word performance artist, rapper and theater maker and wants to use her words to make people listen to what is not heard. In addition, Anna is also a student and is currently doing her Master's in Sexology at the KUL and before that she did Psychology at the VUB.
She won prizes with her lyrics at Kunstbende, came first at the Violencia music competition and recently won the prize for best theater piece at Bijou Antwerp. With more than 8 years of stage experience, you may have already seen her at work in Belgium or the Netherlands, such as in the Arenberg, Trix, deStudio, Bronks, Zinnema, the Beursschouwburg, Opek and theater Rotterdam. Anna has also been giving writing and theater workshops for several years at VRT and Trill, among others.
Her poems were published in the books: 'The discovery of poetry', 'het Pslamenboek' and 'With clear paint and desire' of the Poetry Center. She is currently performing her play 'No Man's Land' in Antwerp and Leuven. In 2023 she will also release her first EP
She won prizes with her lyrics at Kunstbende, came first at the Violencia music competition and recently won the prize for best theater piece at Bijou Antwerp. With more than 8 years of stage experience, you may have already seen her at work in Belgium or the Netherlands, such as in the Arenberg, Trix, deStudio, Bronks, Zinnema, the Beursschouwburg, Opek and theater Rotterdam. Anna has also been giving writing and theater workshops for several years at VRT and Trill, among others.
Her poems were published in the books: 'The discovery of poetry', 'het Pslamenboek' and 'With clear paint and desire' of the Poetry Center. She is currently performing her play 'No Man's Land' in Antwerp and Leuven. In 2023 she will also release her first EP

Hyster-x (° 2021) is the Belgian writers' collective for female and non-binary makers. Hyster-x provides a platform for new voices on and promotes intersectional feminism and the visibility of women and non-binary people in the literary, journalistic, academic and artistic fields through the organization of literary evenings, book clubs and performances.

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